Find the producer's surplus if the supply function for pork bellies is given by the following: S(q) = q^{5 / 2} + 4q^{3 / 2} + 52. Assume supply and demand are in equilibrium at q = 16. | (2024)

Business Economics Economic surplus


Find the producer's surplus if the supply function for pork bellies is given by the following:

{eq}\mathbf S(q) = q^{\dfrac {5}{2}} + 4q^{\dfrac {3}{2}} + 52{/eq}.

Assume supply and demand are in equilibrium at {eq}q = 16{/eq}.

Producer's Surplus:

  • There is a price that a producer sets for his product that included his cost and profit but the same product is demanded in the market at a higher price. This leads the producer to make a surplus profit in addition to what we actually wanted. This extra amount of money that he is able to earn is known as the Producer's Surplus.
  • We can apply the following integral formula to find the total amount of the surplus income.

{eq}\hspace{1cm} \displaystyle S_{\text{Producer}}^{\text{surplus}} = \int (P_{\text{Indicated/equilibrium}}^{Price}- \text{Supply}^{Price} )\ \text{d}x\\{/eq}

Answer and Explanation:1

Given Data

$$\begin{align}\text{Supply:} ~ \mathbf S(q) &= q^{\dfrac {5}{2}} + 4q^{\dfrac {3}{2}} + 52\\[0.3cm]q _0 &=...

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Find the producer's surplus if the supply function for pork bellies is given by the following: S(q) = q^{5 / 2} + 4q^{3 / 2} + 52. Assume supply and demand are in equilibrium at q = 16. | (1)

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Producer Surplus Overview, Formula & Example


Chapter 3/ Lesson 61


Learn the producer surplus definition and understand how to calculate it with the producer surplus formula. See how a profit is made with a producer surplus example.

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Find the producer's surplus if the supply function for pork bellies is given by the following: S(q) = q^{5 / 2} + 4q^{3 / 2} + 52.  Assume supply and demand are in equilibrium at q = 16. | (2024)


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