Air Fryer Easy Quiche Recipe - Fork To Spoon (2024)

Air Fryer Easy Quiche Recipe — This recipe is for an easy quiche recipe. I’ve used an air fryer to make it, and it’s been a lifesaver! It saves me time, energy, and money that I would otherwise spend on cooking in the kitchen.

Quiche is a delicious breakfast treat that can be enjoyed for any occasion. This dish starts out as an ordinary pastry shell, but it’s the filling inside which makes this food unique and special- eggs beaten with cream cheese to give it texture before adding other ingredients like vegetables or meats of your choice!

Quiches are great served at home on holidays from lazy Saturday mornings all the way through those hectic weekdays when you need something fast yet nutritious in order not yourself feel too tired after lunchtime has passed already by without eating anything substantial beforehand.

They also make for a quick lunch or dinner, and one of the best things is that you can prepare it beforehand.

If you are looking for some easy and delicious Air Fryer Dinner Recipes, some of my favorites recipes are AIR FRYER FILET MIGNON, AIR FRYER BLACK PEPPER STEAK KABOB,AIR FRYER STUFFED MINI PEPPERS.

What Is Quiche?

Quiche has a rich and creamy custard filling that is usually baked in the shape of pie crust. Quiches can also come either hot or cold, depending on how it’s served in France; they’re most commonly enjoyed for breakfast as an appetizer before your meal begins but some people serve them at brunch when there will be more than one course involved.

Quiche Lorraine is one of the most popular quiches in America, it’s filled with eggs and cream to make a custard like consistency. There isn’t just one type though; you can fill them however your heart desires! The variations are endless – sometimes tomatoes or mushrooms might be added for flavor along side spinach leaves which act as a “topping” on top!

Ingredients Needed For Air Fryer Easy Quiche Recipe

Air Fryer Easy Quiche Recipe - Fork To Spoon (2)

  • Pie Crust, Homemade, Frozen (Thawed) or Refrigerated
  • Eggs
  • Heavy Cream
  • Salt
  • Black Pepper
  • Shredded Cheddar Cheese
  • Scallions
  • Other Toppings

How To Make Air Fryer Easy Quiche Recipe

In a large bowl, mix together the eggs, cream, salt, and black pepper, then fold in the cheese. Add in the diced green onions.

In the quiche pan, add the pie crust. Press along the edges and get rid of the excess. This quiche pan works, because it’s thin. Pour the filling in.

Set the pan into the air fryer, set the temperature to 320 degrees F (air fryer setting) for 12 minutes. Mine was not done at 12 minutes, so I added another 5 minutes. The exact time is going to depend on how big the quiche is, how thick your pan is, and what type of air fryer you own. The smaller quiches will take a shorter time, so keep on checking. Let cool slightly, before serving.

Air Fryer Easy Quiche Recipe - Fork To Spoon (3)

Pro Tips:

  • Leaving it in the air fryer too long, you want a quiche that bounces just a little, when you go and cut, it, otherwise if it’s firm it just means that it has been overbaked, you want a light and fluffy quiche. So, just cook until the edges are just set, just a little brown on the edges.
  • Find an air fryer safe pan that is deep enough to hold your crust and your filling, but leaving a couple of inches of space between the filling and the edge of the pan, otherwise, the ingredients might fly around the air fryer.
  • Leftovers make for amazing add-ins to the quiche, so check your refrigerator before you “complete making yours,” there is always something good to add in from the refrigerator. Anything in your refrigerator is a fair game from cheese, meats, seafood, poultry or vegetables.
  • All filling ingredients should be cooked, not raw.
  • Frozen pie shells, make excellent dough for the quiche, just bake your shell first, otherwise, you will end up with a soggy crust.
  • Quiche continues to cook after you remove it from the oven, so it will firm up quickly after it’s removed from the heat source (oven or air fryer)
  • If your quiche is overcooked it will start to curdle.

Best Pan For Air Fryer Quiche

Air Fryer Easy Quiche Recipe - Fork To Spoon (4)

Wilton Excelle Elite Non-Stick Tart and Quiche Pan with Removable Bottom, 9-Inch

More Air Fryer Egg Recipes:


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Air Fryer Easy Quiche Recipe - Fork To Spoon (6)

Air Fryer Easy Quiche Recipe

4.34 from 3 votes


Prep Time: 20 minutes mins

Cook Time: 15 minutes mins

0 minutes mins

Total Time: 35 minutes mins

Servings: 8 Servings



Air Fryer Easy Quiche Recipe — This recipe is for an easy quiche recipe. I've used an air fryer to make it, and it's been a lifesaver! It saves me time, energy, and money that I would otherwise spend on cooking in the kitchen.


  • 1 pie crust, (either homemade or pre-made)
  • 6 large eggs
  • 3/4 cup heavy cream
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 cup Cheddar cheese, shredded
  • 1 stalk scallion, diced


  • In a large bowl, mix the eggs, cream, salt, and black pepper.

  • Then fold in the cheese.

  • Add in the diced green onions.

  • In the quiche pan, add the pie crust.

  • Press along the edges and get rid of the excess. This quiche pan works because it's thin.

  • Pour the filling in.

  • Set the pan into the air fryer, set the temperature to 320 degrees F (air fryer setting) for 12 minutes. Mine was not done at 12 minutes, so I added another 5 minutes. The exact time will depend on how big the quiche is, how thick your pan is, and what type of air fryer you own. The more miniature quiches will take a shorter time, so keep on checking.

  • Let cool slightly before serving.

  • Plate, serve, and enjoy!


  • Air Fryer

  • Mini Tart Pans



  1. Leaving it in the air fryer too long, you want a quiche that bounces just a little, when you go and cut, it, otherwise if it’s firm, it just means that it has been overbaked, you want a light and fluffy quiche. So, cook until the edges are just set, just a little brown on the edges.
  2. Find an air fryer-safe pan that is deep enough to hold your crust and your filling but leaving a couple of inches of space between the filling and the edge of the pan. Otherwise, the ingredients might fly around the air fryer.
  3. Leftovers make for unique add-ins to the quiche, so check your refrigerator before you “complete making yours,” there is always something good to add in from the fridge. Anything in your refrigerator is a fair game from cheese, meats, seafood, poultry, or vegetables.
  4. All filling ingredients should be cooked, not raw.
  5. Frozen pie shells make excellent dough for the quiche. Just bake your shell first. Otherwise, you will end up with a soggy crust.
  6. Quiche continues to cook after you remove it from the oven, so it will firm up quickly after it’s removed from the heat source (oven or air fryer)
  7. If your quiche is overcooked, it will start to curdle.


Serving: 1ServingCalories: 285kcalCarbohydrates: 12gProtein: 10gFat: 22gSaturated Fat: 11gPolyunsaturated Fat: 2gMonounsaturated Fat: 7gTrans Fat: 0.01gCholesterol: 179mgSodium: 530mgPotassium: 110mgFiber: 1gSugar: 1gVitamin A: 688IUVitamin C: 0.4mgCalcium: 141mgIron: 1mg

Air Fryer Easy Quiche Recipe - Fork To Spoon (2024)


How long to heat quiche in an air fryer? ›

Ever had to rush an unappetisingly solid slice of quiche or tart for lunch or dinner because you didn't have time for the oven to do its thing? Well, leave that problem in the past, as you can heat up your slices in the air fryer at 170°C in just 5 minutes.

Can you put quiche in foil tray in air fryer? ›

The top of the quiche browns quite quickly in the air fryer giving it an even more deeply savoury flavour, but cover the quiche with foil if you don't want your quiche to become very brown. Air fryers can be used for so much more than just chips and chicken wings – as this air-fried quiche shows.

Why won t the middle of my quiche cook? ›

If you overbake it, you'll cook the jiggle right out of it. Instead, bake your quiche until the edges are set, but it still wobbles a little in the center. Follow This Tip: For a perfectly cooked quiche, just slightly underbake it. It's done when the edges are set, but the center still jiggles a bit.

What is the general rule for cooking in the air fryer? ›

When taking a recipe from oven to air fryer, the general rule is to reduce the temperature by 20ºC – 30ºC, and cook for 20% less time.

What temp should quiche be cooked to? ›

Overcooking it will curdle the eggs. And of course, you know what I'll say next: to prevent this minor tragedy, temp your quiche. The custard in a quiche is done between 165°F and 185°F (74°C and 85°C), with some variation coming into temp based mostly on preference.

How long do you cook a precooked quiche? ›

Warm the quiche in the oven for about 15 minutes, depending on the strength of your oven. Every oven is unique, so your safest bet is to check the internal temperature and let your quiche reach at least 165°F. Take your quiche out of the oven, transfer to a cool plate, garnish with your favorite herbs and enjoy!

Can you put an aluminum foil tray in an air fryer? ›

Aluminum foil can be used in an air fryer, but it should only go in the basket. Acidic foods react with aluminum, so avoid using foil when air frying tomatoes, peppers, or citrus. Using parchment paper or a bare basket is better because it won't interfere with cooking.

Can we use aluminium utensils in an air fryer? ›

Acidic foods like tomatoes and tomato sauce can react with aluminum and mess up the flavor with the end result of the food taste metallic. On the plus side, aluminum kitchen items tend to be less expensive than other materials, say like copper. So yes, aluminum vessels do make good additions to an air fryer.

What can you not put in an air fryer? ›

7 Foods You Should Never Cook In Your Air Fryer
  • Wet Batters. Those beer-battered onion rings, fries, fish cutlets, plus tempura veggies and more are not well suited for a crisp in the air fryer. ...
  • Cheesy Items. ...
  • Large, Bone-In Meat Cuts. ...
  • Baked Goods. ...
  • Greens. ...
  • Raw Rice and Other Grains. ...
  • Too Much of Anything.
Apr 14, 2023

Can you put too many eggs in a quiche? ›

The Kitchn cautions that using too many eggs can make the consistency of the quiche rubbery and tough, while using too few eggs can prevent the custard filling from setting properly, giving you a runny, soggy quiche. The recommended proportion is one egg to one-half cup of cream or milk.

Why are people getting rid of air fryers? ›

Summary. In conclusion, while air fryers offer certain benefits such as reduced calorie intake and faster cooking times, they are not without their limitations. Size constraints, limited cooking options, and concerns about crispiness are driving some people to look for alternatives.

What is the cheat for the air fryer? ›

Due to its smaller size, an air fryer generally cooks food faster than a conventional oven. So you'll need to convert the oven recipe to suit air fryer temperatures. The general rule of thumb is to lower the cooking temperature by 25°F and shorten the time by roughly 20-25%.

What is the trick for using an air fryer? ›

You can get the most out of your air fryer or oven with air frying capabilities when you use the following air frying tips and tricks.
  • Preheat. ...
  • Avoid using too much cooking spray. ...
  • Consider rack placement. ...
  • Adjust cooking time. ...
  • Don't use too much oil. ...
  • Use a perforated tray or basket. ...
  • Place a baking tray on the rack below.

How long to cook Costco quiche in air fryer? ›

Air Fryer: Cut refrigerated quiche into serving portions and place one serving in basket. Heat at 350° F for 10-12 minutes, or until center reaches 165° F. Remove from basket, and let stand 2 minutes before serving.

Can you heat ready meals in an air fryer? ›

Absolutely! Air fryers are versatile appliances that can cook a variety of foods, including ready meals. They use hot air circulation to create a crispy texture similar to frying, making them a great option for heating up convenience foods.

Can you put aluminum foil in an air fryer? ›

Foil is safe to use in an air fryer so long as you follow three basic rules: never let foil touch the heating element; make sure the foil is weighted so it doesn't blow around the basket; and avoid contact with acidic ingredients, which can cause the foil to leach onto your food.

How do you warm up food in the air fryer? ›

Place leftover food in the basket of the air fryer in a single layer. You can line the basket with a silicone or parchment paper liner for easier clean up. If desired, spray the food lightly with olive oil. Cook 3-10 minutes or until food is heated through to an internal temperature of 165°F.


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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.